Varicose veins are not only unsightly, but can cause symptoms that impact daily life. These symptoms include:
- Pain
- Swelling
- Itching
- Rash
- Heaviness/ Tiredness
- Open wounds
- Restlessness
- Muscle cramps
Micro-stab Phlebectomy is one of our many minimally invasive procedures used to treat bothersome varicose veins. Most often it is done in the office while you are awake, and the area is adequately numbed. You will feel some needle pokes with the numbing, then no pain, only perhaps some pulling or tugging. Multiple small incisions are made to access and remove the veins. Sutures are not typically necessary. The sites are then covered with sterile petroleum jelly and compression dressings are applied and left in place for 48 hours. The small incision sites will heal and are generally not noticeable in 6-12 months. Your vein symptoms should also go away within a few weeks after the procedure.
You will need a driver the day of the procedure. Leg elevation is advised the remainder of the day and to avoid strenuous exercise for a few days. Otherwise, walking is encouraged. Complete postoperative instructions will be provided at your visit.
Pre-Procedure Instructions
Download .pdf – Pre Procedure Instructions Vein Treatment
- Please review the packet information about vein procedures offered for better health.
- Take a BABY ASPIRIN of 81 mg. every day to prevent blood clots.
- Purchase at least one pair of THIGH HIGH or PANTYHOSE STOCKINGS for all procedures offered here at Fall General Surgery, as well as KNEE HIGH COMPRESSION SOCKS in your size.
- There are no DIETARY RESTRICTIONS you may continue YOUR normal diet.
- You will receive a PRE-PROCEDURE PHONE CALL the business day prior to your procedure to remind you of the time you are scheduled for your procedure and any additional instructions pertinent to you for a positive experience and successful outcome of your vein procedure.
Micro-stab Phlebectomy | Varicose Vein Removal
Post-Op Care
Download .pdf – Micro-Stab Phlebectomy Post-Op Care
Phlebectomy (also known as microphlebectomy, ambulatory phlebectomy, or stab avulsion) is a technique to remove varicose veins. In this procedure, several tiny cuts (incisions) are made in the skin through which the varicosed vein is removed. Stitches usually are not required.
Post-procedure Care and Instructions
- After the procedure is done, continue to wear compression bandage for 48hrs.
- After the 48hrs have passed please start wearing your thigh-highs/pantyhose. They may come off for 1hr daily to shower, elevate leg while letting leg dry completely. Continue this for the next 7 days. (Days 3-9)
- Then wear stockings all day and off at bedtime for the next 7 days. (Days 10-16)
- Stockings will be used for a total of 16 days.
- Continue taking your 81mg Aspirin for 3 months.
- May continue with normal activity on postop day #2
Things to Look For
- Injection site becomes warm, red and hard.
- You develop a fever of greater than 101.0.
- If you develop a sudden onset of shortness of breath or chest pain.
If any of these things happen to you please call Memorial Medical Center at 715-685-5500. Or call Dr. Fall at 715-209-5456.
After the 48hrs have passed, you may put bacitracin ointment on the small incisions after bandages are removed. Again, after the 48hrs, start wearing your thigh-highs/pantyhose.
If you are having pain over the counter pain medication such as Tylenol or ibuprofen will be able to help relieve any discomfort you are having.
Please follow-up as needed